Judging Rubric and Score Breakdown

All projects are judged using this judging rubric, so it's a good idea to read this breakdown carefully so that you have a clear idea of what our judges are looking for.

Originality (20 Points Report, 5 Points Video)

Projects must be the original work of the individual or team. That is not to say that you cannot incorporate or integrate multiple elements drawn from previous research done in the field. Doing so is perfectly acceptable. However, the idea of your project must improve upon previously implemented solutions to the problem they are trying to solve. We want to see ideas that can revolutionize the future of modern technology.

Demonstration of Technical Knowledge (20 Points Report, 5 Points Video)

Participants must demonstrate that they have put a good amount of thought and time into their project and the best way to do this is by showing us how much you know about your topic of interest. Technical detail will greatly help the judges who review your project. Show us how the science plays into your project and keep in mind that this is a computer science and technology competition, so emphasize those aspects of your project. Make sure to include all relevant data, graphs, and analysis to supplement your writeup. 

Creativity (20 Points Report, 5 Points Video)

In any field and especially one as dynamic as technology, creativity is essential. Making your project especially creative will set it apart from the crowd. Show us how creative and forward-thinking you are by making these qualities stand out. The greatest thinkers and leaders of today are the ones who were the most creative and innovative in their ideas.

Impact (20 Points Report, 5 Points Video)

The best projects are those that have real societal impact. That is, the large-scale implementation of the technology would substantially improve some facet of society. We are looking for projects that have this kind of impact. In your submission, emphasize the impact of your work and the further implications your work has.

Clarity (10 Points Report, 5 Points Video)

Projects must be clearly presented both in writing and visually through your video. Although the video will not be weighted as heavily as the writing portions, it must still be able to be understood clearly. All portions of your project should be easily understandable as well as sophisticated. Clarity is critical to getting your ideas across to your judges, so review your report multiple times before submitting so that you know you've made it as clear as possible.

full score calculation

Technical report = 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 10 = 90 points max

Video = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25 Points Max

Total = 90 + 25 = 115 Points Max

The projects awarded the highest total scores will be named finalists and national winners. All projects are judged by industry professionals.